Remuera Chiropractors


What does a Chiropractor Do?

Chiropractic is a primary healthcare service concerned with the relationship between the spine and nervous system. The different stresses we put our bodies through on a daily basis can affect the way our spine moves and  therefore how our nervous systems functions. Chiropractors call these inappropriate spinal movements ‘subluxations’. Subluxations are caused in a number of different ways such as car accidents, sports injuries and poor posture. Our Chiropractors are extensively trained on how to locate these subluxated or compromised areas and correct them through gentle specific adjustments to the spine.

We primarily use a ‘hands on’ manual approach to this but also incorporate low force techniques for people who prefer or need them.

You do not need a referral to see us, we are ACC and Southern Cross accredited and can process claims through these in house without a referral from a GP.


What Can Chiropractic Help With?

Chiropractic can help with a wide range of conditions that affect people from all walks of life. From kids to athletes, pregnant mums to the elderly, chiropractic can help safely improve the function of everyone’s spine.

Neck and Shoulder Pain

Sitting at a desk all day or spending way too long on your phone with poor posture can lead to neck pain. Chiropractic is great at relieving this pain and our Chiropractors will also give you the appropriate stretches, exercises, and posture advice to help reduce this stress on your body.

Lower Back Pain

Lifting injuries, sitting in the car driving or at the desk for long periods can lead to a lot of lower back, glute and hip pain. Chiropractic is great for improving mobility in the lumbar spine, sacroiliac joints and hip joints to help with this.


Sciatica is a general term for nerve pain running down from the lower back into the glute, leg or foot. There are multiple different conditions that can cause sciatica such as a disc herniation, lumbar spondylolisthesis, sacroiliac joint syndrome, piriformis syndrome. Our Chiropractors perform a detailed exam to figure out what is causing your sciatica and how we can help.

Headaches and Migraines

A lot of people experience regular headaches and migraines. While there are lots of triggers for these, adjusting the upper cervical (upper neck) area in the spine and help reduce the frequency and intensity of these headaches and migraines.

Maintenance and General Spine Care

Many of our clients come and see us even when they are not in pain. Just like eating healthy, going to the gym or brushing your teeth proactively help look after the body, your spine and nervous system benefit hugely from a regular check-up.

Meet Our Chiropractors


Dr Steve Bowers Dip. App. Sci., B.Chiro., M.N.Z.C.A


Steve graduated from the New Zealand College of Chiropractic in 2015. He has worked in a number of clinics over the last 7 years in Wellington, Whangarei and Auckland. He currently teaches in the Chiropractic Centre at the college, mentoring the future generation of Chiropractors and finds it extremely rewarding. Steve is an avid sportsman with most of his spare time spent on the golf course, playing tennis or kick-boxing in the gym. He started seeing a chiropractor in his late teens to help improve performance, movement and recovery and has since been passionate about helping others from all walks of life experience the same benefits. Steve specialises in a range of techniques both manual and low force including diversified and Gonstead adjusting, upper cervical specific and activator methods.


Dr Jason Payne is a graduate of the world renowned New Zealand College of Chiropractic. Born and Raised in Auckland Jason has a history of high performance coaching and working with children and disabilities. He has a passion for family care and wellness as well as sports and rehabilitative care. Dr Jason uses a variety of traditional chiropractic techniques from the more gentler approach through to manual adjusting and is looking forward to working with the local community.

Common Chiropractic Questions

Do I need a referral to see a chiropractor? No. You can book directly with us without seeing your GP or anyone else first!

Are you ACC covered? Yes. We are ACC credited. ACC will reduce your treatment cost, there is usually still a surcharge on top of this.

Are you a Southern Cross provider? Yes. Depending on your plan, we can do easy-claim from our end!

Do you treat kids? Yes, we specialise in paediatrics as well. This includes new-borns especially if they had a difficult birth!

Do you have free parking? Yes, we do! Free parking along Victoria Ave is available and patient parking is also available above ANZ on Remuera Road. You can access the rooftop parking through Victoria Ave.

Can you refer me for an x-ray? We sure can! We can refer you to all available imaging modalities as well as lab tests depending on your symptoms.

Do you work late nights? We sure do! We operate from 7:30am to 6:30pm, depending on the day.

Do you work Saturdays? Yes, our Chiropractor Steve works on Saturday mornings.

How long are your appointments? New patients consultations are approximately 40 minutes, and follow-up appointments are 15 minutes.

Can I claim Chiropractic with another insurance provider? Yes, we are recognised health practitioners! We can email or print you a full invoice for your convenience to claim with your insurance provider.

Do you give stretches and lifestyle advice? Yes, after a thorough initial consultation a report is given with all your results, treatment care plan, and any lifestyle advice that we see fit.

Chiropractic Blog

Relieving Sciatica Pain: How Chiropractic Care Offers Lasting Benefits

Introduction: Sciatica is a condition that can cause excruciating pain, tingling, and numbness along the sciatic nerve, which runs from the lower back down the legs. It can significantly impact an individual's quality of life, making even simple tasks challenging. While there are various treatment options available, chiropractic care has gained recognition for its effectiveness in providing relief from sciatica. In this article, we will explore the benefits of chiropractic care for sciatica sufferers.

  1. Accurate Diagnosis: One of the key advantages of seeking chiropractic care for sciatica is the precise diagnosis provided by chiropractors. They specialize in assessing musculoskeletal disorders and identifying the root cause of the sciatic nerve irritation. Through a comprehensive evaluation, chiropractors can pinpoint the specific spinal misalignments, herniated discs, or other underlying issues contributing to sciatica symptoms.

  2. Non-Invasive Treatment: Chiropractic care focuses on non-invasive, drug-free approaches to pain management. Unlike surgical interventions or pharmaceutical medications that may carry risks and side effects, chiropractic adjustments utilize gentle, manual techniques to restore spinal alignment and reduce nerve compression. This natural approach promotes the body's own healing mechanisms, allowing for long-term relief from sciatica pain.

  3. Spinal Adjustments and Alignment: Chiropractors employ spinal adjustments as a cornerstone of their treatment plans for sciatica patients. By applying controlled and targeted force to specific vertebrae, chiropractors can alleviate pressure on the sciatic nerve, reducing pain and inflammation. The realignment of the spine also helps restore normal nerve function, enhancing the body's ability to heal itself and reducing the likelihood of recurring sciatica episodes.

  4. Complementary Therapies: In addition to spinal adjustments, chiropractors may incorporate complementary therapies to enhance the healing process. These may include:

a. Massage Therapy: Massage techniques, such as deep tissue massage, can help relax tight muscles, improve blood flow, and reduce inflammation, contributing to pain relief and overall well-being.

b. Therapeutic Exercises: Chiropractors often prescribe specific exercises to strengthen the supporting muscles and improve flexibility. These exercises can help prevent future sciatica flare-ups and promote long-term spinal health.

c. Lifestyle Recommendations: Chiropractors also provide guidance on ergonomics, posture correction, and lifestyle modifications to support optimal spinal health. By addressing contributing factors like poor posture or sedentary habits, patients can minimize the risk of exacerbating sciatica symptoms.

  1. Holistic Approach to Wellness: Chiropractic care takes a holistic approach to overall wellness, focusing not only on pain relief but also on addressing the root cause of the problem. By addressing the underlying spinal misalignments, chiropractors aim to restore the body's natural balance and optimize its ability to heal. Patients often experience improvements in mobility, reduced reliance on pain medications, and an overall better quality of life.

Conclusion: Sciatica can be a debilitating condition, causing persistent pain and discomfort. Fortunately, chiropractic care offers a non-invasive and effective solution for sciatica sufferers. By providing accurate diagnosis, spinal adjustments, and complementary therapies, chiropractors can help alleviate pain, enhance the body's healing process, and promote long-term relief. If you're struggling with sciatica, consider consulting a chiropractor and experience the transformative benefits of this natural approach to wellness.


Holistic Relief: How Chiropractic Care Benefits Different Types of Headaches

Introduction: Headaches are a common ailment that can disrupt our daily lives and hinder our overall well-being. While there are various types of headaches, including migraines, tension headaches, and cervicogenic headaches, they all share one thing in common: the potential for relief through chiropractic care. Taking a holistic approach, chiropractic treatments aim to address the underlying causes of headaches rather than merely masking the symptoms. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of chiropractic care for each specific type of headache.

  1. Migraine Headaches: Migraines are debilitating and can significantly impact a person's quality of life. Chiropractic care offers a holistic approach to managing migraines by addressing potential triggers, such as misalignments in the spine, muscle tension, and nerve irritation. Through gentle spinal adjustments, chiropractors help restore proper alignment and improve the function of the nervous system. This, in turn, can reduce the frequency and intensity of migraines and enhance the body's natural ability to cope with triggers.

  2. Tension Headaches: Tension headaches often result from stress, poor posture, or muscular tension in the neck and shoulders. Chiropractic care can provide effective relief by targeting the root causes. Chiropractors utilize various techniques, including spinal adjustments, massage therapy, and postural correction exercises, to alleviate muscle tension, improve posture, and restore proper alignment. By addressing these factors, chiropractic care helps reduce the frequency and severity of tension headaches, providing long-term relief.

  3. Cervicogenic Headaches: Cervicogenic headaches stem from issues in the cervical spine, such as misalignments, muscle imbalances, or joint dysfunction. Chiropractors specialize in diagnosing and treating these underlying problems. Through spinal adjustments and other therapeutic techniques, chiropractors help restore proper function to the cervical spine, alleviate nerve compression, and reduce inflammation. By addressing the root cause of cervicogenic headaches, chiropractic care offers a holistic solution that can lead to lasting relief.

Holistic Approach: Chiropractic care takes a comprehensive and holistic approach to headache management. Rather than relying solely on medication to provide temporary relief, chiropractors aim to identify and address the underlying causes of headaches. By promoting spinal alignment, reducing nerve irritation, and improving overall nervous system function, chiropractic care supports the body's innate healing ability.

Additionally, chiropractors may provide lifestyle recommendations to help patients manage and prevent headaches. These may include stress reduction techniques, nutritional guidance, exercise, and ergonomic modifications to promote optimal spinal health. By taking a holistic approach, chiropractic care aims to empower individuals to make positive lifestyle choices that support their overall well-being.

Conclusion: Chiropractic care offers a holistic and effective approach to managing and alleviating different types of headaches. By addressing the underlying causes rather than merely treating symptoms, chiropractors strive to restore balance and harmony to the body. Whether it's migraines, tension headaches, or cervicogenic headaches, chiropractic care can provide natural and long-lasting relief. Consider consulting with a chiropractor to experience the transformative benefits of this holistic approach to headache management and reclaim your optimal health and well-being.